Pastor Al

Welcome to GraceMode

Your donations help make GraceMode possible.

Through your gift we are able to reach a world wide audience with our free online devotioncast.
GraceMode does not sell or share your information with anyone.
We simply want to thank you for your contribution!
GraceMode is a 501(c)(3) organization.

You may submit your information and make a donation with PayPal.

We do not receive your financial account information.
Your receipt from PayPal will list "Homestead Ministries", the name of the foundation that owns GraceMode.

empty cross You may mail a check or money order to:

2216 West Street
Pueblo, Colorado 81003 USA

Our wish list: things we need.  Can you help?

Our needs have changed.  The gifts of God's people met many of the original ones!
God is our provider and He may choose you to fill specific needs.  Use this list as a guide.

Your prayers!
Office supplies and equipment
CD duplicator
Office furniture  **Space is limited, so be sure to ask first!**
A dependable automobile (or one that can be sold)
Projector (computer friendly)
Volunteers and new board members
Your prayers!

Here's a banner you can use on your own website to share the devotioncast:

Moments of Grace banner You may download the banner and add it to your site and use it to link to or use the code below in your HTML where you want the banner.

<a href=""><img src=""></a>